The Reaper’s Quota by Sarah McKnight

Posted 04/21/2023 by Charli in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

Our review for today is for The Reaper’s Quota by Sarah McKnight. This tour is part of TheWriteReads blog tour. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this blog tour.

I received an advance copy of this book from Author, TheWriteReads/BBNYA to facilitate my review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This book may contain material that is disturbing to some readers. Please Google for a full list of trigger warnings. Thank you!
The Reaper’s Quota by Sarah McKnightThe Reaper's Quota by Sarah McKnight
Series: The Reaper Chronicles #1
Published by Self-Published on November 10, 2021
Genres: Young Adult Fiction / Humor / Satire
Pages: 190
Format: eBook
Source: Author, TheWriteReads/BBNYA

Meet Grim Reaper #2497. Behind on his work, he must complete his quota of thirty Random Deaths or face termination in the worst way. Faced with an insurmountable task and very little time to complete it, Reaper #2497 struggles to hang on to the one thing he's not supposed to have - his humanity.

Content Warning: Mentions of death and suicide

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Ok, anyone who knows me knows that I love things that have to do with the Grim Reaper. I mean, I even have a Grim Reaper based Pathfinder 2 character (a sorceress named Reaper who casts Necromancy spells, wears a black robe, carries a scythe, and has a raven for a familiar). So I was thrilled to be selected for this blog tour.

There is only one character we really need to worry about with this book and that is Reaper #2497. He remembers his name from when he was human and he also wants to know all the other Reapers’ names. He’s a super funny, super interesting character. It makes me wonder why all the other Reapers are so boring, rude, or mean because he is just a hoot.

Our hero, Reaper #2497, is in a bit of hot water with The Big Boss because he hasn’t fulfilled his Random Death Quota for the month and there are only three days left of the month. We get to see the hilarious things he puts down for who, why, and how he took them for his Random Deaths.

This book is short, but it is super well written. It only took a couple of hours for me to read it – I think it might have taken 3 hours tops to finish the book – so you can easily finish this book in a night. It isn’t scary, despite of having a Grim Reaper featured as the main character. It’s a fun read that will make you laugh.

As for the ending, you’ll definitely want more… but don’t worry, there’s a sequel and it’s already been released, so you should have no trouble finding out how the story ends.

I gave this book four stars because it’s funny and it paints death in a better light than you’re probably used to.